Monday, November 22, 2010

Actual indoor scene, normal map, more BRDF support, and more

The last week I began to use an actual indoor scene for my renderer. It was freely available online, but since it was made with 3DS MAX and V-Ray and the OBJ exporter doesn't support V-Ray textures etc, I had to remap all the material and textures (They are not set either, I had to literally look at a final render the website provided and do some matching work). I also made up a test scene to play with different BRDF (the renderer only used to support perfectly diffuse, Lambertian surfaces). The following is a test scene with ambient occlusion and glossy reflection.

So I started with this scene with no texture mapping, material settings. It contains 1400K triangles, many more than Sponza's 70K, and can indeed be a stress to the renderer.
I had to find textures from online and set all the materials (lots of which needed to be set manually in the MTL file since I'm not familiar with 3DS MAX). I also implemented normal mapping, perfectly specular material, and Oren-Nayar reflectance model. After increasing the photon count to 200K, the current result is shown in the following image.

Notice the correct color bleeding (it wasn't correct at the beginning and that wasn't found in the Sponza scene since the mesh kind of has a uniform color). Also note that the floor and the left wall is glossy, the mirror is perfectly specular, the quilt is Lambertian, some of the wooden furniture is Oren-Nayar and the rest are Phong. Also, the quilt and the rug have normal maps attached. With this setting, I'm still able to achieve interactive rate (shown in the video below). I also fixed the problem where the program with reset the video card after a timeout. In addition to cudaThreadSynchronize() to make the calls synchronous, we also need to set two registry keys in Windows to bypass the timeout check.

Finally, this is a rendering result provided by the website providing the 3D model. There's obviously still a long way to go before achieving this level of picture quality, and it can be very challenging considering the interactive nature of this renderer.

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